Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In between shows and Three River Art Festival

When you do shows, you do not know which items you sell well. One week is a bowl week, then mugs week next. It is quite strange, but it works that way. One thing leads to this is that when one customer is buying the mugs, those who surrounds the customer want the same thing. So, I may have a series of the customer buying the same item. Anyway, at last show, I sold tenmoku black pieces, which is a new line for me, better than expected. I was glazing the tenmoku pieces yesterday for next firing (next week).


I restocked the container and reloaded the van, and am leaving to Pittsburgh, PA for the Three River Art Festival tomorrow. The festival runs two weeks long, and I participate the first weekend, June 5-7. This year, I am setting up the Point State Park portion of the festival away from the Gateway Center Plaza. More information at Three River Art Festival. Hope to see you there.

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