Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Casserole dish

Do you remember that we had snow 10 days ago?   Today we hit 80F° and we were under the tornado watch. I do not think we actually see the tornado here in upstate New York.  It is very rare.  But everyday this week so far has been very windy.

Leaves starts open up, and  flowering trees start blooming.  This is one of the pretty month in Rochester, NY, especially after a long winter.


After a week off from the throwing, my fingers feel a lot better.  I am back on the wheel today.  I do not have any discomfort so far.  This is very good sign.  I threw 8 casserole dishes.  I was not familiar with the casserole dishes when I first moved to US.  I do not think there is no casserole dish in Japan. Similar one would be the direct frame dish called donabe.  But the casserole dish is not the direct frame dish.  I use for reheating rice, steaming the vegetable, and  gratin type dish.  I admit I really not sure how people actually use the casserole dish for.  What do you use ?

Casseroles, hodaka potterycasserole hodaka pottery

Teapot 11

[caption id="attachment_1511" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Teapot 11 fired"]Teapot 11 fired[/caption]

Some of teapot collection is available at my etsy store.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unusual sighting


Driving to the studio today,  I saw the  fright car parked over the bridge.  It looked like the airplane body.  It was turbine blades for the  wind power. The fright car looked very long.  It was a very unrealistic view.  Great to know someone is building the wind farm.

Fired the kiln yesterday.  I peeked.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Snow in April


Snowing hard today.  It is April, and this is really depressing after all this snowy winter...  Come on.

I threw my hips last week while mincing onions.  Go figure.  I went to see my chiropractor, and he re-arraigned everything, and my left fingers.  Now the left finger's pain is back after three days.  I now something related to my spine or nerves.  Maybe the time pay a visit my doctor, maybe next week.  I am going to glaze for next three days, and firing.  So I will be off from the wheel for 5-6 days.  That would be good rest for my fingers.  Will see.

As for Japan, the earthquakes continue.  This is very unusual to have this many a day almost one month after.  The area of epic center is expanding, so the massive movement by the original earthquake left lots of strains to surrounding area.  Fukushima nuclear plant.  I am still folowing the news conference everyday.  I do not think we found anything what going on around the reactor after one month, but massive radiation so nobody can access. This is going to be a long contamination to the world.  I am sorry.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1000lb gone

Just realized I have 2 months to the Kenan Center.  Two months sound a lot, but not. I can fire the kiln once a week with couple bisque firings, and need four glaze firings to getting ready for first three shows in row.  I have been throwing lots lately, and almost 1000lb are gone since February. Once the festival starts, I have only enough time to fire whatever I sold from bisqued inventories and some.  My fingers on the left hand are screaming for the first time.  Getting old, as my friend potter says. I almost the done for throwing, expect small casseroles, berry bowls, candle holders, ring holders and slab plates.  Well, maybe another week .   Spring is almost here.  Winds are gusting up crazy last couple days, and hopefully settle down soon.

bowls hodakapotteryBisque and bowl

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Japan Day - Disaster Relief in Buffalo

Japan Day - Disaster Relief

Japanese Group of Buffalo (JGB), in partnership with International Institute
of Buffalo (IIB), will be holding a fundraiser to benefit earthquake/tunami
victims in Japan.

100% of proceeds will go to Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund in NYC,
which works with on-the-ground organizations in Japan in their relief efforts for
the victims.

WHEN: Sat, April 16th from 12:30-3:30pm

WHERE: International Institute of Buffalo
(864 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY 14209)

WHAT: Sushi Charity Luncheon by local sushi restaurant Kuni's,
dance, music, ikebana presentation, tea tasting, martial art,
Calligraphy& origami workshop, raffle/silent auction, and more!

*Admission free & open to the public.
*Meal coupon ($15) for luncheon is available at the door.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Some pictures from the last firing

tureen hodaka potteryteapot hodakapottery

[caption id="attachment_1485" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Teapot 8 fired"]Teapot 8 fired[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1486" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Teapot 9 fired"]Teapot 9 fired[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1487" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="teapot 10 fired"]teapot 10 fired[/caption]

I will pause making the small teapot as getting busy for the festival. I have a couple more to fire though.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good results

Fired the kiln over the weekend.  I placed a sagger with a small gap this time.  It almost reduced.  I think a gap was a bit too big, but this is the solution for the oxidation problem I was working on last couple years.  I did not loose any pots in this firing, made me a BIG smile.  The first four festivals for this summer are set. I updated the schedule.


hodaka pottery kiln unload 4/11

Custom order planter under way.

planter hodakapottery