Saturday, February 25, 2012


The vase is fired. It comes out good.  I did not lose any thing, but one teacup.  That is good firing.  After remaking the saggar smaller, all pots come out reduced.  So, the pottery inside the saggar was reduced by burning the impurity contained the clay to a ratio of the space inside the saggar, I guess.











I lost two large pieces for upcoming exhibition in the basement where I store pottery. It was my carelessness. I found the water dripping from the humidifier attached to the furnace and the large bowl almost full of water, and replaced the filter night before. After replacing the filter, I bring back the emptied bowl under the humidifier if the water drips again.   The cover of the humidifier dropped and smashed two pieces overnight.  That always the story with me.  I never think through.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Last several months, two of the glaze bucket gave away during the mixing, and the glaze gushing from the bottom. My floor has a vinyl carpet, and I was able to collect most of the glaze back to the new bucket with sponges and shop-vac. I was a bit worried about one bucket, and I bought 32 gallon bucket (commercial use) for the glaze over the weekend. I thought I bought the same size, but not.  I have been using 20 gallon buckets.  This gave me enough clearance, additional 5 inches in width,  for the vase I wanted to glaze, instead of spraying.  I mixed the glaze enough to fill a half bucket full.  I glaze it today.  I missed some overlap part, but brushed the glaze. I think this worked.










I have been working on the exhibition in Syracuse. I posted the postcard in my schedule page. I first thought to exhibit a collection of small teapots, but I am making different pieces now. Here is teapots preview.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


I just bisqued the vase yesterday.  It almost took a whole kiln.  I managed to put to trays on the bottom. It comes through the bisque. Now glazing.  I am not crazy about spraying, but may have no choice here.  I will see what is a clearance of the bucket for the width of the vase.  I was loading the kiln today for Sunday firing, and am not loading this vase for this kiln.  I will have a time to think about.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Second sale this weekend

Annual second sale is this weekend at the Mostly Clay.  I am collecting the seconds last several days.

Here is a vase I finished.  I toyed around putting handles, but decided to be simple. My arm is feeling a lot better this week, while throwing lots. I threw over 50lb making casseroles, but have no pain now. Finally!



Friday, February 3, 2012

Throwing large

Firing went well. I got ten nice teapots.  They are for the two-men exhibition in Syracuse in March.

I threw a large platter and a large vase last two days.  I used a really soft clay for the platter and a semi-soft clay for the vase.  Vase is three sections.  I wanted to two sections, but cut off too much clay from the top early on.  I probably leave the platter undecorated and have a fun with the glazing, and decorate the vase with carving and stamps. The bottom section of the vase is a bit taller than I wanted. So I need to disguise it. There is lots of trimming for them.