Sunday, August 29, 2010

Elmwood Avenue Festival of Art

We had great weather, crowd and sales this weekend at the Elmwood Avenue Festival of Art.  This show is definitely growing, and going the right direction.

I had nightmare-ish start on Saturday though.  I was setting up the canopy at 7 in the morning, and realized I forgot to bring one pole.  This is the second time in last twenty years.  Last time was at the local show, and I was able to go home to pick up.  This show is in Buffalo, 70 miles away from home.  I had two choices, no canopy and ask my wife to bring it by the end of the show or make one.  I thought I can use a 2"x1" wood" from one of the wall piece if I could shorten it.   Mark (Lukacs Pottery Studio) had a saw! Then I had, of course, DUCT tape.  I taped up the wood to the joints, and was able to set up the canopy, with my surprize.  What can you do without the Duct tape!  My wife and daughter wound up bringing the pole, but decided to leave it overnight.  It was perfect weather on both day, sunny and no wind to speak of.  If either it was rainy or windy, I had no idea what I did instead.  Next time, I count the number of poles when loading the van!


Next up, the Clothesline Festival, my last summer festival except one addition of the Artist Row at the public market.  I am out of lots of items now, and am afraid I can't restock everything as my daughter leaving to the collage next Sunday.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ratcheting tie-down

Great crowd at the Park Avenue Arts Festival.


I bought the ratcheting tie-down for my weight for the canopy. You can see the orange tie in the picture above. The weight is now actually hanging from the canopy, giving the canopy more stable against the wind. At the Syracuse show, one strong wind moved up the canopy for a foot. I was using the bungees.

Two canopies across from my booth flipped over by the wind at the Syracuse show. This  was group effort to reset the canopies.


Back to the studio. I have three weeks until next show. Time for restocking. I made slab pieces. I have the Bailey DRD/II slab roller, more than ten years.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Syracuse Arts and Crafts Festival


My pottery made a cover of the weekend section featuring Syracuse Arts and Crafts Festival of The Post-Standard in Syracuse, NY.


We had very nice weather for three over the weekend.  There were many people and had lots of great potteries.

This weekend is Park Avenue Festival.  I am glazing tomorrow and firing on Wednesday.