Monday, January 7, 2013

New year.

January 8th, already. As my mother-in-law passed last summer,  I am skipping New Year's greetings. This is more like Japanese thing, I think.

I am back to the studio since January 2nd. I have not come up new items for this year yet, maybe dinner plates.  I do not usually bring the dinner plates to shows, but maybe.  I bought the plate setter last year, and can use them.  Do you have any idea what I should make?




Amanda Dorenkamp said...

I enjoy your post on facebook.. I am a hobby potter it is very hard to come up with new
ideas. I had two very popular items this last year. I made microwave egg cookers I sold
40 of them on a Friday night I also made microwave vegetable steamer.
I sold 30 in one night.... Good luck I am always in search a new ideas.

Hodaka said...

I never heard of a microwave egg cooker. Interesting. Thank you.