Saturday, November 6, 2010

shelves 1

I have been working on new shelves for the show next year.  The current shelves are more than 15 years old, and can't find the same ones anymore. Last couple years, it starts to show sign of wear and tear, and are getting dirty.  It is very sturdy and light, that I really liked them. It does not look as good as other people's display.


It worked.  I have been thinking to replace it for couple years, but could not come up with good design.  I want it to set up easily, sturdy, light weight and compact to transport. I tried to come up with something in the spring, and run out of time before the show season begins.  So I decided to work on now.  This is a prototype. It is light, sort of sturdy.  I need to figure out how to attach the back wall while stable against the wind.  I realized the size frame is too thick to stuck up in the van.  I am not sure the color of the shelve against the pottery is right one.  I might paint it to white, or stain it to white.  I do not know.

shelves hodaka pottery

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