Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Happy New Year 2012

December was the 6th fewest snowfall in the record.  I have not seen this much ground in December ever since I lived here.  It is great not necessary to shovel the snow, especially my arm is still not great.  I went the acupuncture last week, and it feels a lot better now.  I threw some pots the first time in more than 10 days or so, and the arm started hurting a little. I have another appointment tomorrow.

I was afraid of going to the acupuncture, and postponing for while.  My wife and daughter went a couple years and told me about the hundred needles, and laying on the bed for a long time.  That kind of freak me out.  I went a different acupuncture place, and he used about a dozen, and hooked two needles for electronic pulse Massager.  It was not bad at all.  Will see.

Hope 2012 will be productive and interesting year, for me and you!



littlewrenpottery said...

Hope you feel better soon! Happy new year : )

Hodaka said...

Happy New year! Wish you wonderful 2012!