Leaves starts open up, and flowering trees start blooming. This is one of the pretty month in Rochester, NY, especially after a long winter.
After a week off from the throwing, my fingers feel a lot better. I am back on the wheel today. I do not have any discomfort so far. This is very good sign. I threw 8 casserole dishes. I was not familiar with the casserole dishes when I first moved to US. I do not think there is no casserole dish in Japan. Similar one would be the direct frame dish called donabe. But the casserole dish is not the direct frame dish. I use for reheating rice, steaming the vegetable, and gratin type dish. I admit I really not sure how people actually use the casserole dish for. What do you use ?
I've tried to make casserole dishes myself but I always find something goes wrong with them or they aren't big enough. Casserole dishes are used to cook stews which are usually vegetables and meat they cook together in the pot for several hours on a low temperature. You can also use them to make curries with.
Put together everything and throw into the oven before going to the studio. I will try to cook a stew sometime.
When I hear the word "casserole dish" I think of a relatively short-sided, wide-bottomed dish made from stoneware, ceramic (maybe?), or pyrex glass. We use it to bake things like casserole, lasagna, and gratin in a standard oven. If you look up "casserole" in google's image search, it should give you some idea of what I mean.
It looks like the casserole dishes you've made are quite a bit taller, so perhaps they are meant for something like stew. You might even ba able to make a small pot roast (yum!) in it.
Ahh, I just looked up "casserole dish" in Wikipedia to double-check, and it seems it can refer to a couple of different dishes depending on the type of English. I could be wrong, but your "casserole dish" might be my "dutch oven" (or something similar)? Those are definitely used for stews.
Either way, the one in the picture is quite pretty. :-)
Thank you, Wendy. I picked up the casserole dish from people making the similar deep dishes around here 20 years ago. Some customer ordered the shallow dish with cover or lasagna dish that is shallow square dish in the past. My casserole may be a soup tureen rather than a casserole. I just looked up the pot roast, which I was referring to the beef stew in this blog. English is so difficult :)
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