Last several years, I set a week in February as “mug week”, and make just mugs, three to four dozens a day. Making mugs is rather a time consuming process for me. More mugs I threw, more I get efficient. The size and the shape are much more uniform this way using the same batch of clay. Some customers prefer to match them. Then I bisque them and store in boxes for the later day. Today, I have put handles and finshed 75 mugs. I will throw more mugs tomorrow.
Yah, I am not Goro Suzuki, my favorite Japanese potter, who threw 1250 teacups. Yes, One thousand two hundred fifty a day!
Oh good god thats a lot of mugs. bisque them and store them huh? So how long will you go without having to make another mug?
Now I have a goal to make over 1500 teacups in a day... did they have handles?
Once a year would be perfect. That is my goal anyway.
1250 cups. I am not kidding!
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