Last Friday and Saturday, there was an opening of the exhibition with Richard Aerni, who has studio in the same building. I did not take pictures, but thought very good showing of both of works. Here is a teapot from the show. I will post them next several days.
[caption id="attachment_1953" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Teapot 35"]

Saturday was the workshop. I had no idea of what make of workshop. Come to think about it, I have attended two in the past, one by Richard Aerni and one for slab building. Richard Aerni showed his two sectional throwing technique demonstrated, and everyone had tried it. It was fun, but I was not well prepared, or do not have much particular things to offer. I probably can teach with very small setting, but I am not a workshop materials. I am graceful that my friends gave me great moral supports.
I am back in the studio, and rearranging the studio. It has been six years since I moved in this studio, and recently noticed I had some dead space on the shelves due to its long depth. I bought two 18" shelves for replacing the current 28" shelves. It will take next couple days. I already again the table space.