Friday, February 19, 2010

Two in row

hodaka potteryI opened the kiln today. Very good reduction again. I got one mugs got too much reduction.  Just before the body reduction, the wind picked up a bit, and felt some downdraft for while.  Once the gas pressure was up, I did not see much of problem.  I repeated the same firing, so the gas pressure was the answer I have been looking for. I think I will try to open up a blower flap (secondary air) next firing to see any difference to the reduction. It is very nice feeling to have no seconds again.  Pottery is not like the painting, and you really cannot (draw over) refire the piece to satisfaction. You will find out the result 24 hours after the firing. Yes, I have some vision of the finished piece when glazing, and try to apply glazes, sometime a bit thicker, double dipping, etc imaging the flow of the glaze when it started to melt in the kiln.  Firing, they’re so many variables, weather, how you load the kiln, etc. We are very superstitious. In Japan, the female was not used to allow to the kiln room as they afraid of the fire god being jealous, and messing up the firing. I don't believe that, of course.  I sometime wish I can see the progress of the firing in real time, like painting. On the other hand, firing is the important part of craft, and what makes the pottery.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kiln is loaded

mugs hodakapotteryP1060733

I have been busy throwing mugs,bowls.... I am about running out the space.  I will fire them next two weeks.  Kiln is loaded today. I am kind of nervous for tomorrow's firing.  I hope to repeat the same firing tomorrow.

Our dog is being himself.

kiln load 2/20/10 hodakapottery

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dog and bone

We tend to give some table scrap to our 4lb yorkie. Last night, we gave a piece from a rack of lamb, about 2 inch. He usually play with it. But he swallowed it as we watched.  I thought it was too big to swallow. Then reality set in. My wife said to google.  So I did. Most searches came up, take to vet immediately,X-ray, surgery..... We panicked. I called my friend sculpture, who works at the vet.  She said there is nothing we can do expect to wait for 24 to 48 hours, and check the stool. She also suggested to give him a large portion of meal, 1/3 chicken and 2/3 cooked rice to coat (wrap) the bone inside the intestine.  Try to vomit to retrieve is not good idea. If he has problem going to bath room, then, we need to bring in to the vet.  We calmed down a bit, but feeling so bad to feed the table scrap. Not mention the medical bill in the future.

In our surprise, we found the bone in his bathroom this morning.  He somehow vomited it last night when he ate dry food. He is fine, running around today.  I will never give him anymore bones. I learned my lesson.

Monday, February 1, 2010

No seconds!!

kILN load 2/1/10 hodaka pottery

I unloaded the kiln today.  Near perfect firing.  I fired on Saturday when the wind finally calmed down. It was very bad firing from the beginning, similar to the last firing. I decided to move around the oxyprobe to see what going on.

Oxyprobe at spy hole hodaka pottery

I could not get good reduction reading with the oxyprobe next chimney while it read heavy reduction at spy holes.  I could not reduce the chimney side of the kiln by changing damper or blower setting at all. I re-read Nils Lou's Art of firing while the kiln was acting strange. The book explain the importance of the tuberance. Then I thought, blower does not do anything. Then what.... Gas pressure!

I was hesitance to raise the gas pressure, first 3.5 PSI, which I have never done before, it did not change the reading that much, but when raise to 4 PSI, it changed the atmosphere of the kiln dramatically. I started seeing the reading evened out at three locations at 600-620 as I opened the damper accordingly. I have never had this much gas pressure available before the move (I knew this time have up to 7PSI), but never think to use that much since the kiln was firing fine with below 3.3 PSI for 15 years.  I was the same building across the hall from the current studio 15 years ago for two years.

All the things I have tried last three years, but the gas pressure. I actually lowered the pressure I was using because the glaze defect I thought was due to the rapid raise or to hot as it happened where the flame hit directly.  Now I think, I got the heavy reduction near the door, and which was causing the glaze to react strangely, not heat.  I do not have enough pull at the chimney, so it reduced heavily before the exit flue. I needed the push by the gas pressure.  I thought opposite, I had too much updraft (14' of chimney) and getting the oxidation. I was wrong.  I am looking forward the next firing.  I think I have solve the problem.
