Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When is the wind die down!


I glazed a little and wait, glazed a little and wait. This is the time of year, when we have lots of strong wind as the cold front approaches.  I have been more than ready to fire the kiln, but waiting the gusting wind to subside. It seems Saturday is a calm day at this moment.

kiln load 1/27/10 hodaka pottery

I delivered some pottery to the gallery store at the Memorial Art Gallery, which opens
Fashioning Kimono, this Sunday.  I do not remember ever wearing Kimono, except Yukata ( nightwear). I am too skinny for Yukata, and it tends to undone easily. I used to like Dotera, like a jacket but I wore at home to keep warm.

Friday, January 22, 2010

First firing


I fired the first firing of 2010 two days ago. It was quick firing, 8 hours vs. usual 10 hours. I felt cheated after the firing. I had two oxyprobes going, and during inserting and removing it, one of platinum wire got broken. I thought another one was reading correctly, but the result was not satisfactory. One third of kiln away from the reading the atmosphere got oxidized. I should stick with the last firing schedule and live with couple bad spots. Bad luck to start new year. Aghaa....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

French bowl


Break in gloomy sky.

fluted bowl

I got special order for the french bowls last year.  I had no idea what was.  I made several so far.  I kept the prototype, and used it at home.  I used it for serving vegetables and fruit, and liked it.  This is one of new items along with the revisited item.

Third bisque firing is done, today, and one more bisque to  go.  I am glazing tomorrow.  Getting close to the first firing of 2010.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Mug week. Made 8 dozen large mugs this week. I put handles on 7 dozen mugs yesterday, and remaining a dozen today.

mugs hodaka pottery

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Happy New Year !


We started 2010 with lots of snow and frigid weather. I am sure very exciting and interesting year ahead. I felt 2009 was 10 years long, and am glad it was behind us. I finished the last two moths in good notes, my daughter smiling again and my kiln firing better.

teapot hodaka pottery