Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snowiest December


Already 28th.  Time flies.  I have been busy packing and mailing Etsy sales until 23rd.  It was very good December. Open house and the show at the public market were success, and I had lots of fun.  Yesterday, it became the snowiest December in Rochester  over 100 years.  Last record was 2008.  Enough  shoveling, though.

Soy bottle hodaka pottery

Made some  soy bottles.  This is wheel thrown, and altered.  It is a comforting shape, and gives another dimension.  It is a time consuming to make, but I really like the shape.  This is not my design.   I saw a similar piece at the Eureka Crafts, Tina gave me some hints on this shape.   We all make some copies, and learn from the process. This process has lots to explore.  The wheel thrown shape somehow decide the final shape.  Interesting.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Open studio

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Yes, I cooked the turkey, and learn the lesson how to thaw 20lb turkey in one day. I have seen it on the movie using the bath tub. It was very close.  I used the sink and did work, and had no heath issues to report.  Just time consuming changing water every 30minutes. It was well worth it, though.

Open studio and sale is December 3rd (5pm-9pm)  and 4th (noon-4pm).  I have one more firing (I had one this week), and need a serious cleaning, and lots of signs.


See the white glaze?  I got this idea, a plain white piece with no design. Get the contract by the movement of the clay.  It produces nice contrast. The glaze looks good, warmer on the oxidation, but too cold (white) on the reduction. My firing is mostly reduction, and get a couple problem spots with the oxidation.  This glaze will not work as it is.

I broke my netbook's LCD.  I have been carrying it around everyday almost three year and am writing this blog with it.  There are new generation of netbook as well as Ipad. I tried the Ipad the other day, but was not able to see how the Japanese typing, etc.  With $45, I ordered the LCD to fix it. Will see.P1070323

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nameshi (chamois)

chamois throwing hodaka potterychamois throwing hodaka pottery

I have been looking for the good nameshi for a while.  It is chamois, for smoothing and finishing the edge when throwing. I have seen some in art stores for drawing use, which is very thin.  It works, but tends to lose with the throwing slip water.
I bought the current one in Japan while back, 10-15 years ago, and it starts to tear. This is a deer skin, I believe.  I was in Pittsburgh last weekend visiting a ceramic supply store.  They did not carry the chamois, but directed me to Lowe's, the home building supply store.  They sell as a drying cloth at the cleaning supply aisle.  This is thick and very similar to one I have.  Maybe a bit softer side, but does the job. One negative so far is the strange smell coming from the throwing bucket, like a seaweed found on the beach.  I hope this is just the treatment used for the skin, and goes away. Now, I have more than enough lifetime supply of chamois, suddenly, or more than ten time over...

chamois throwing tool hodaka pottery

Saturday, November 6, 2010

shelves 1

I have been working on new shelves for the show next year.  The current shelves are more than 15 years old, and can't find the same ones anymore. Last couple years, it starts to show sign of wear and tear, and are getting dirty.  It is very sturdy and light, that I really liked them. It does not look as good as other people's display.


It worked.  I have been thinking to replace it for couple years, but could not come up with good design.  I want it to set up easily, sturdy, light weight and compact to transport. I tried to come up with something in the spring, and run out of time before the show season begins.  So I decided to work on now.  This is a prototype. It is light, sort of sturdy.  I need to figure out how to attach the back wall while stable against the wind.  I realized the size frame is too thick to stuck up in the van.  I am not sure the color of the shelve against the pottery is right one.  I might paint it to white, or stain it to white.  I do not know.

shelves hodaka pottery

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Proceed to merge

I drove to Syracuse, NY yesterday, and stuck in traffic jam for one hour, probably usual for the metropolitan city.  I heard on the radio there was truck turn over, but I was at the end of the cleaning up.  I always think people proceed to the point of merge (where actual arrow sign to merge) and merge alternatively from one lane to the other, rather merging into the lane when warning sign “one lane closed ahead” ten miles ahead of time. This just creates more traffic jam from the point of people merging.  If the people go to the end of the merge and merge alternatively, the traffic continues to move slowly.  When the car stops,  reaction times to stop the car hereafter add up to the point creating another traffic jam. I wish the sign says that “the lane closed, and proceed to the merge”. Two car ahead of me  just keep a pace with the car on his/her next lane even there was no traffic in front of him or her for more than 1500 feet.  Maybe guilt, I do not know, but just made any sense.  Anyway, enough that. This web site explained this better than me if you are interested.  I saw the perfect rainbow while idling.

rainbow hodaka pottery
I had a good time talking with Tina at the Eureka Craft.  She just came back from  the workshop by Ellen Shankin (my favorite potter) in Italy.  I wish I went.  I am sort of a hitting wall, and want to come out of the routine production.  I need a bit different shape, or something new.  I have stayed away from the Ceramic Monthly for a long time now, afraid of too much influence by other potters' work.  Talk with Tina made me think it is about to time to expose to workshops and other potters' technique, maybe.  She mentioned me about the 16 hands.  There is one in November. I am very tempted....

Kiln is loaded, but wait until Monday.  Too windy...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Testing mugs


Leaves are burning right now. It is definitely one of beautiful season in Rochester.

Flesh out of the kiln. I test the mugs with boiling water once a while to see any problem with the thermal shock.
They passed.

Thermal shock. If you pour water in ice cube, it cracks.  It is similar to that.  Sudden change of temperature makes the clay and the glaze to expand, if their rates are not the same, it cracks.
If you throw the pot unevenly, it may causes the thermal shock. If the clay and glaze do not fit, the properties of the clay, list goes on. It is good idea to put a spoon (metal) in a cup when pour the hot boiling water, and start with the cold oven. I usually put a dish in 355F oven as long it is room temperature (not from fridge), though.  I read somewhere that 400F is too hot.   I stop making the pie dish long time ago, as everyone bakes differently, and sometimes it broke beyond my control, but I replaced them anyway.
P1070273I am testing a white glaze recently.  I used to use the Vivika's white glaze until I start using the white stoneware and it started to crazing. I am not sure how I am going to apply it.  This glaze does not show any crazing on the current clay.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good autumn day

Opened th kiln today. Another good firing.

hodaka pottery bowl

Spend this afternoon at the Letchworth State Park. I am not exhibiting the show, starting tomorrow. I did once very long time ago, and it snowed and sales was very poor. I decided not after that. I don't think it snowed since..

Very warm and nice day. Walking in the woods and looking at falls. I am out of shape for walking for sure... Lethworth state park is known as "Grand Canyon of the East". This is very beautiful park. It rained last couple days, and the fall was spectucular!

letchworth state park 1letchworth state parkletchworth state park

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Summer is over.


Summer festival season is over for me, and I am now gearing up for my wholesale and consignment store before a holiday season.

We are looking at houses now, and talked with the zoning office and the fire marshal.  I had home studio for sixteen years before moving to the current studio.  I prefer to have the studio at home.  It is easier to control a timing of trimming and will have a shelter (another room) during the firing.  I will lose an interaction with another potters and artists in the building.  But, I will take the convenience and less studio cost.  I have moved my kiln three times, and may need to replace the bricks after another move. So, I may stick around another year at the current location.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Abu Dhabi

I came home after glazing on Monday, ate dinner and checked the weather. Weather forecast has changed, and forecasting gusting 25 to 35mph next couple days. I went back the studio and fired the kiln overnight. I was breezy, but cooler night. The studio never got above 87F, which was not bad at all. I think I am ready for the Clothesline Festival this weekend.


On Sunday, our daughter left for NYU Abu Dhabi, as a part of the inaugural class.  It have been quite interesting and challenging year since her scoliosis surgery in August of 2009. I have not imagined she is ready to go abroad to study, last year today. It was kind of struggle for the first 2-3 months after the surgery, and she was regretting it. It took her 4 months to face what she can and can’t, or challenge new things. After the 4 months check-up, and her doctor’s ok for skiing and horse back riding, has changed her attitude a bit, and her flexibility and activities started to gain back. I would be kidding if I say she regained her flexibility to pre-surgery level. It has limitations. She can’t crouch while sitting. Her plane to Abu Dhabi is 11 hours from Chicago. Imagine sitting straight on the chair that long. But she can sleep at night without placing a book on one side to level her in the bed now. It was quite surprise NYU Abu Dhabi name first surface in out of blue in March. Remember all the campus trips we did, which did not include NYU. These trips give her idea that it is all right to be far from home. She wanted to this new challenge, and she deserves this wonderful opportunities.  We wanted her to be independent mind.  We got one,  I think.  Now we have empty nest.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Elmwood Avenue Festival of Art

We had great weather, crowd and sales this weekend at the Elmwood Avenue Festival of Art.  This show is definitely growing, and going the right direction.

I had nightmare-ish start on Saturday though.  I was setting up the canopy at 7 in the morning, and realized I forgot to bring one pole.  This is the second time in last twenty years.  Last time was at the local show, and I was able to go home to pick up.  This show is in Buffalo, 70 miles away from home.  I had two choices, no canopy and ask my wife to bring it by the end of the show or make one.  I thought I can use a 2"x1" wood" from one of the wall piece if I could shorten it.   Mark (Lukacs Pottery Studio) had a saw! Then I had, of course, DUCT tape.  I taped up the wood to the joints, and was able to set up the canopy, with my surprize.  What can you do without the Duct tape!  My wife and daughter wound up bringing the pole, but decided to leave it overnight.  It was perfect weather on both day, sunny and no wind to speak of.  If either it was rainy or windy, I had no idea what I did instead.  Next time, I count the number of poles when loading the van!


Next up, the Clothesline Festival, my last summer festival except one addition of the Artist Row at the public market.  I am out of lots of items now, and am afraid I can't restock everything as my daughter leaving to the collage next Sunday.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ratcheting tie-down

Great crowd at the Park Avenue Arts Festival.


I bought the ratcheting tie-down for my weight for the canopy. You can see the orange tie in the picture above. The weight is now actually hanging from the canopy, giving the canopy more stable against the wind. At the Syracuse show, one strong wind moved up the canopy for a foot. I was using the bungees.

Two canopies across from my booth flipped over by the wind at the Syracuse show. This  was group effort to reset the canopies.


Back to the studio. I have three weeks until next show. Time for restocking. I made slab pieces. I have the Bailey DRD/II slab roller, more than ten years.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Syracuse Arts and Crafts Festival


My pottery made a cover of the weekend section featuring Syracuse Arts and Crafts Festival of The Post-Standard in Syracuse, NY.


We had very nice weather for three over the weekend.  There were many people and had lots of great potteries.

This weekend is Park Avenue Festival.  I am glazing tomorrow and firing on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Garage sale

My friend told me several years ago,that her pottery had started showing up at the garage sale. At the Corn Hill Festival, my customer told me that she was very excided to find my vase at the garage sale for $1, and garbed it quickly. She said that person did not know the value of my pottery. We had good laugh. Today, I talked about this to my friend that my pottery is finally in the garage sale. She told me that her mother told her then, once it hit the secondary market, you made it.

I got email from the customer inquiring that she wants to add her collection of my pottery she purchased over 20 years ago at the Corn Hill Festival. She was wondering if I still make the same design. That probably my first year at the Corn Hill Festival, and my first year selling the ware. That made me smile. Unfortunately I discontinued it long time ago.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More holes

We had very good weather and crowd at the Cornhill Art Festival. Sales was down, as it seems the tend of this year.


Japanese election created the twisted politics, the major loss for the ruing party. They have tried to establish the two party system in Japan, but struggling to make it stick. I liked the old time, Liberal Democratic Party, having the several factions within the party as functioning and balancing the policy among themselves. Last several elections seems the swing to one side to the other by landslide by undecided voters. Enough politics.

More holes. This is my customers request at the Cornhill. Earring holders. I made some different style to see how it works.

Weather is unstable again.  Lots of downpours.  I am loading kiln today, but another weather watch for the firing date as the thunderstorm comes with wind...  Getting ready for the Syracuse Arts and Craft Festival.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I casted my vote for Japanese upper house election last week. I believe this was my first voting experience at age 49. A couple years ago, I registered to the overseas voter registration list as suggested by the Japanese consulate. I didn't know that opportunity until then. I prefer to nationalize in order to vote here, but my parents would love to hear that. I am considering, though.

The other day, the mailman delivered the express mail from Japan. We thought it was from my parents. There were over $100 worth of stamps on it. Then, I realized it is from Minato-ku, Secretariat of the Election. Hundred dollars to cast a ballot. My vote sounded very heavy. (If I live in big city where Japanese consulate locates, I can vote there.) I read the Japanese newspaper on the net everyday, but have no idea even who are candidates and what their stances. I spent good hours in front of the computer reading about the candidates. There were much of information available last week, but I needed too mail it to be delivered by July 11. Election was announced on June 24 as the voting date on July 11, a window of 18 days.

I fired on Saturday. It was very hot. We are in middle of the heat wave, setting 94F degrees everyday. The kiln looked very good. I am ready for the Corn Hill Art Festival this weekend.


Monday, June 28, 2010


I attended my first graduation in US, not mine,  my daughter's.  I was amazed many people other than parents were there. I realized how important thing and key milestone on her life, like the initiation rite.  Japanese cerebrates him/her on 20th birth year. I think most high school kids here are definitely more matured than we were in the high school. Now, our daughter has two months before departing to Abu Dhabi for the collage.


My mug is featured in the blog, http://dancingdolphinpottery.blogspot.com/

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I was loading the kiln yesterday.  Around 1:30pm, I felt the building moving. We are facing the CSX yard, and they produce lots of ground movement, but nothing was in action. Then I realized this was earthquake. It was long one, about 30 seconds. In my experience in Japan, if it continued more than 15 seconds, it tends to become a large one. But this earthquake was just long steady horizontal shake. Ware on the shelves are all ok. Epic center of the earthquake was in Ottawa, Canada, 180 miles away, magnitude 5. We probably had Japanese scale of 2 to 3, once month or more if you are in Tokyo.

I really hate the earthquake. You have no control over the earthquake, but stay put or hide under the table. I don't remember when, but I hid under the table in the student full of the class room, but nobody else.  I was very embarrassed, of course.

Ready to fire tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Garlic pot

Garlic Jar Hodaka Pottery

Between shows is the time to restock what sold and received orders. I have been throwing the pots and putting lots of hole recently. Garlic jars,  planters and berry bowls. Garlic jar is like a sugar pot with lots of the holes on the side, so the garlic can breathe, and its top protects from the light, not grow. I use it at home. I don't make them often, but probably one of the most asked item next to the French butter dish. It does not mean it sells well, though.

The French butter dish, on the other hands, it sells. I made one year. I tried it at home, and I got butter dropping into the water, and several days later the butter became moldy. After researching the web, I found you can't leave it if the temperature is above85°F or so, and you add salt in the water to avoid from mold. I thought if I am not satisfied I should not sell. I discontinued after selling a dozen or so in one summer.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Where does  the clay come from?  I don't dig my own clay in our backyard.  I wish.  I purchase from the Laguna Clay Company, and come in a box pre-mixed #510.  They keep the content (receipe) secret, so I really do not know.

I used to mix the clay, which was back breaking operation.  Yes, mixed. I purchased 50lb bag of dry materials; Hawthorne Bond Clay (Missouri) , OM-4 ball clay (Kentucky),  EPK(Florida), Custer Feldspar (South Dakot) and Flint. It is not mine in single location.

In Japan, pottery clay is mined locally, and glazed with local materials (ashes) to make their product unique (one of kind), and people appreciate it. It makes the pottery more expensive .  Bizen pottery was known to purchase a lot of the rice field for their clay, by digging the rice field and removing the clay means no more rice production there as well as you do not know what kind of clay you can get until mine. It is very expensive transaction.

Is it possible to do the same in US?  Yes, I think some do, however  I think people do not see much difference in the final product, or its value.  I sometimes wonder how many people see the difference between the high fire and low fire.  I think mining and making clay too much time-consuming and challenging practice , meaning finding, testing and processing clay as well as fitting the glaze, not mention storing these unprocessed clay, to justify the cost.  I do not mind using the clay in the box as long as I can make my own pottery. Painter uses the paint in tube.  I do not think people ever asking the painter, where the paint or canvas comes from.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good weekend


One of neat thing about the Allentown Art Festival is a lodging. The Holiday-inn is in front of my booth. It is neat to see the booth at night from the room. I guess someone broke-in to my booth overnight, and took a large vase. Maybe around the time I took this picture. Kinds of ironic. I have been doing this show and had never had problem before. Then, one of customer told me the vase was shuttered three blocks away. What is the point.... I don't understand.

I have applied the award competition for a decade, and finally got one. It is very nice to be recognized.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Washed out


Well, the weather dictated the Three Rivers Arts Festival last weekend. I should note to myself, "no outdoor show in the first week of June", as the weather is not stable.. I have not seen such a strong rain. My bowl at outside the booth collected close to 1” in 30 minutes. The entire booth became a part of the stream, and kids were only ones having fun! I had five years plan for this festival, to establish the repeat customer base, and this was the fifth year. Last year, I felt some build-up and had high expectation. Due to the rain, the five years plan did not meet my goal.  This festival is physically demanding in terms of set-up / tear-down and long hours; driving and festival hours. Live music was very loud this year I hardly hear customer talks, very bad for business.

Thank you very much for those who came.

Good note, I enjoyed the Pirates ball game after the show with awesome fireworks.

Next up, Allentown Art Festival this weekend.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Two days later, still hot


Fired the kiln on Wednesday. It was near record heat of 89°F. The temperature at further from the kiln in the studio was as high as 104°F. I really did not want to know the temperature near the kiln. The sweat just kept coming standing next to it. It was getting toasty after 6PM, and continued to the end of the firing at 10:30pm. So,my plan of firing later backfired. I wish I have a separate kiln room. My daughter will start her collage at the NYU Abu Dhabi in UAE in September. Tomorrow's forecast for Abu Dhabi is 107°F. I should not be complaining... How does she manage that? That would be very interesting.

I opened the kiln today. The kiln has still retained its heat this moring, and the studio was over 94°F while outside was upper seventies. The kiln god difinately smiles at me on this firing. There are no oxidation or crawling except one piece. This is the best firing-ever at this studio!


I will be exhibiting the following shows in June, the Three Rivers Arts Festival on June 4 to 6, and the Allentown Art Festival on June 12-13. I am not exhibiting the 100 American Craftsmen this year due to the schedule conflict.

Joye Schwartz of Joyefulart wrote my pottery on her blog today, http://joyefulartblog.com/painting/one-of-a-kind-friday-pottery. Thank you , Joye.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Good result


Good firing.  I really like the tenmoku glaze combination.  I had this series very limited basis at the show last year. It will be very interesting to see how it sells or not sell.

Now I have one more firing before the first shows in two weeks.  85F is forecasted for next Wednesday. Last firing, the studio was 95F while outside was 74F. I do not think simple math is order here, but will be very toasty.  I am thinking to delay the start of firing for four hours and finish up late night when the temperature drops.  Will see.

I am printing the postcard now. 800 of them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Firing done


Nice day to fire. Almost no winds. Opening the kiln on Friday.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting ready for the shows


I can't believe the festival season starts in three weeks.  Now, I need mail my show  schedule to customers, now snail and e-mails, clean the shelves, and sand and price the pottery before packing into the container.  I have been using the plastic shelves for decades, and want to replace to something... I need something light weight, compact, easy to assemble and steady against the wind. Oh, and  some wall space to hang pieces.  I am thinking to use the IKEA shelves with some backing for a while.  I will get some at Pittsburgh after the Three River festival, and make something out later.

kiln is loaded.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wired cloud

The weather has been unstable at most. Looking at the kiln log, there are more days with wind over 20 mph this year. We had over 85 degrees in early April, and had snow on the ground two days ago followed by the hurricane like winds over the weekend.


I saw this cloud on Friday.  I have never seen something like that.  Reminded me of the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

I had firing on last Wednesday with high wind; most of pieces were fine, with some oxidization. Over the weekend, we had great turnout for the building-wide opening.  Many great arts were displayed.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

lilac and giffin grip


Lilac is blooming everywhere. This is a time of year to make chopstick holder. It is very simple. Press down the actual leaf on a slab of clay to get nice impression, and use it as template, and cut to shape.


I use the giffin grip (15 years old).  This is great invention. Last 6 months or so, I have hard time centering with it. Last week, one of bottom bracket got broken. I suspect the part broke off may has been loose for a while. I tried glue it temporary with super glue, PC-7 and epoxy until the parts arrive. None of glue worked. The part comes with three sets of the bracket. It seems centering better now.


Unloaded the kiln yesterday. Was good firing.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring open house

I got the clay delivered today.  Moved around almost 3000 lb of clay and materials.  I am so tired.


Studio open house conjunction with the building wide HUA Spring Studio Tour:
Friday, May 7th, from 6-9
Saturday, May 8th, from 10 - 3