After a week off, sort of. Back to the studio. Outside temperature is in teen's, and studio is 90's. It depends on the direction of the wind. North wind makes the studio really cold, getting good down-draft through the kiln chimney. Last two days it was different story. Even I opened the windows, the chilly air did not come into the studio. It was just strange. I should not complain, though. Warm is better than cold.
I have been thinking about the new items for next year. So far, I can't think of any. I threw several flower pots last week, which I used to make. Several people asked me about the canister sets, which takes up the space in the van to bring to the shows. Any suggestion?
It is a time to apply shows. I cannot decide whether I apply 100 American Craftsmen (10+ years doing the show) or Three River Art Festival (4 years ) next year. This is the first time the date for the show overlapped. It is tough one. My daughter is going to graduate the high school in June, so I should be careful not double booking events.